
Welcome to the Imagine API Documentation! This comprehensive guide is designed to assist you in harnessing the full potential of Imagine's API. you're an artist, developer, or business seeking to create captivating AI-generated visuals, this documentation will empower you to integrate Imagine's powerful technology seamlessly. Let's get started!

What is Imagine API?

The Imagine API is a cutting-edge solution for visual art functionalities. Imagine stands as one of the most advanced AI Art Generators available, capable of transforming textual input into stunning visual content. Our API empowers you to perform a range of tasks, from generating high-quality images to remixing existing artwork and even seamlessly repairing or enhancing images.

Overview of the Imagine Platform API

Key Concepts

Before we dive into the technical details, let's familiarize ourselves with some key concepts essential for using Imagine's API effectively:


Models and Styles


Getting Started

Let's embark on your journey with Imagine's API:

Authentication and Authorization

Learn how to securely access and use our API. To make authorized API requests, you'll need an API token, which can be obtained by registering your application with Imagine.

Before making API requests, you need to authenticate yourself using an API key. You can obtain your API key by signing up on our Imagine Platform (

How to get an API Key?